Minimalist square on the wall

Sulfer diffuses a wide, flood beam, and offers the option of additional beam angle plates to let you customize the beam, medium and small. Since the diffuser is recessed into the casing, Sulfer shines indirect light, creating a pleasant glare-free light effect.

It’s easy with brushed colours

Four brushed colours make Sulfer's square shape even easier to fit anywhere. Brushed bronze, silver bronze, champagne and black bring a luxurious quality, adding luscious accents to your walls. Another plus that makes Sulfer easy? Its new colours make it a perfect match with other families, such as Minude, Thimble or Placebo.

It's all about your unique project

Every project is unique, with its own set of challenges, opportunities and individual requirements. That's why we take the time to understand your needs and preferences before designing a tailored solution that meets your exact specifications. With our expertise and passion for lighting design, we'll help you create a space that not only looks amazing but feels amazing too. Get in touch today to see how we can help you illuminate your project.

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